Dirty Carpets? Beware of 5 Health Risks For The Elderly

A close-up shot of a dirty carpet

Carpeted homes have high foot traffic. From food and beverage spillage to people walking day and night on them, they are destined to get dirty.

Your carpets can become home to microorganisms and allergens thanks to their extreme usage. These bacteria and other allergens can spread to the rest of your home if not attended to on time.

Our carpet cleaning experts share the health risks of dirty carpets in this guide. Let’s get started!

Health Risks of Dirty Carpets for Kids & Elderly

Rugs and carpets can lead to various health risks if not cleaned properly. It can worsen symptoms for existing conditions as well. Here are some of the health risks that you should be wary of:

1. Allergies

The first and foremost issue with dirty carpets is allergy. Dirty carpets are the biggest culprits behind wheezing, sneezing and coughing. Breathing in dirty carpeted rooms can also worsen allergies. If your allergies are getting severely high, it’s a sign that you need to schedule a carpet cleaning ASAP.

2. Respiratory Problems

Filthy carpets are home to microbes that can cause poor quality of air in the room. Bacteria and mold can lead to respiratory problems and symptoms of a cold. Mold thrives on dirty carpets and rugs putting the elderly and children at risk of other diseases.

3. Weakened Immunity

Filthy rugs and carpets also harbor fleas, dust mites and carpet beetles. Flea eggs can stick in the carpets for days until they hatch. Later, they can affect your furry friends. Dirty rugs and carpets are abundant in dead skin, food sources and spills which makes them ideal for dust mite breeding.

As a result, they strain your immunity over time. This prolonged strain on your immunity can make you susceptible to other illnesses. Elderly, pets and children with already weakened immunity or immune-compromised condition will be more at risk.

4. Skin Conditions

If you have sensitive skin, your dirty carpets will exacerbate the condition. Filthy carpets can further add to the skin issues especially if your carpets are fungi-infected. If your carpets have a safe abode for fungi, it can cause various skin problems such as athlete’s foot, rashes, eczema and itchy skin.

Even if your carpet doesn’t cause skin conditions, the dust mites in the fibers can aggravate the symptoms of skin diseases and have a harsh effect on your skin.

5. Stomach Problems

Mold thrives on dirty carpets and contains mycotoxins – a toxic compound known for causing fatal and severe diseases. It can lead to severe stomach infections and irritation.

On top of that, the wrong cleaning products and processes can further exacerbate the problem making mycotoxin highly dangerous. Thus, you should hire professional carpet cleaning services to do the job for you.

Vacuum for carpet cleaning

Hire JB Carpet & Upholstery Care in Topeka, KS for same-day carpet cleaning services. We’ll deep clean your carpets to get rid of tough stains and pet spills. Contact us today!


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